Online Home Health Survey Have you experienced any of these symptoms? HeadachesEye IrritationSneezing ItchingMemory LossBlurred Vision Ear InfectionsChronic SinusitisNose Bleeds Previous Next Have you experienced any of these symptoms? CoughingChronic BronchitisAsthma NauseaDiarrheaHeart Palpitations Weight Loss/Weight GainChronic FatigueSexual Dysfunction Previous Next Have you been diagnosed with any of these ailments? FibromyalgiaRheumatoid ArthritisInflammation LupusHypersensitivity PneumonitisCancer COPDLyme DiseaseHistoplasmosis Previous Next Have you had any water leaks in the environment? YesNo Do you see any water stains on the walls or ceiling? YesNo Is there visible mold growth on the wall, ceiling, or floors? YesNo Have you noticed any musty or mildew smells in the environment? YesNo Does your environment have elevated humidity? YesNo Previous Next StateALAKAZARCACANADACOCTDCDEDRFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPAPRRISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWY Best Time To CallAnytime9:00AM10:00AM11:00AM12:00PM1:00PM2:00PM3:00PM4:00PM5:00PM Previous Next 12793