Biowash Mold Extractor Detergent System is Designed to “GET THE MOLD OUT!”
Low Sudsing Concentrated Mold Extraction Laundry System
Simple to Use, No Mess, No Hassle. Here’s How It Works:
Adjust water temperature based on the type of fabric. For white and colorfast fabrics, use hot water. For permanent press fabrics use warm water. Best results are obtained with a cold water rinse.

Step 1
Begin to fill washer with water. Add one (1) packet of BioWash liquid presoak Mold Extractor. For heavily mold contaminated clothing use two (2) packets of BioWash liquid presoak Mold Extractor. Add clothing to washing machine. Allow clothing to presoak for twenty (20) minutes. Then engage washing machine to normal wash cycle. Then spin, DO NOT DRY. Remove clothing from washing machine.

Step 2
DO NOT put dissolvable powered mold detergent packet directly on top of clothing. Begin to fill washer with water. Add one (1) packet of BioWash powdered mold detergent dissolvable packet. After mold detergent powdered packet has dissolved. NOW add clothing back into washing machine and engage washing machine to normal wash cycle. For maximum performance, be sure the mold detergent packet is completely dissolved before adding clothes back into washing machine. Dry and fold as normal.
Note: This Mold Laundry Detergent Mold Extractor system cleans all washables, synthetics, colors, whites, cottons, and permanent press fabrics. Because of the heavy duty composition of this mold extraction system, it is not recommended for use on silks or woolen fabrics. This Mold extraction system has a concentrated strength to remove and extract mold spores, mold stains, and mold spore vegetative hyphae.

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1 Container: $99.97
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